Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Aftermath/It's been a bad day.

I stayed in town an extra few days in order to rest and to see if Richard's death made a difference for those runners.  Things went straight to Hell.  Did they start fighting over who should be in control like I hoped?  Yeah, but some of them realizing they could do whatever they wanted and went on a group mass murdering spree around town.  Damnit!  I was trying to fucking help people not this!  But it gets worse.  Apostles or whatever Archangel's servants are called are taking advantage of the infighting and moving in, while they are using the families' sadness to get them to "embrace the Archangel."  Plus, I've heard from Runner that on the opposite end of the spectrum the murders are also causing more people to become loners and there are more Cold Boy sighting around town too.  Lastly I've noticed that the new top proxy wears a lot of red so I think there could be a redlit in charge!  Redlight being in control of anything is bad news so I'm debating offing him too, but after what happened last time is that a good idea?  With my luck Kelevra and his worshipers will join in the destruction if I kill him.  I'm so fucking confused!  and so tired.

And I saw Him.  It was only a few seconds but that was enough to bring back little memories.  Fuck you Runner wanting them for you moral experiment.  Sorry I don't mean that just frustrated and need to get it all out I guess.  It was a small memory but it... it was more of a feeling.  It was that feeling of salvation I use to have for those I murdered in the Dark One's name.  Ugh!  It feels so blissful but it is wrong I know it!  I know! It has to be.  I'm not that murderer.  I'm not


  1. Yeah, the servants of Archie are probably Timberwolves, or some other cult. There are only twelve apostles, I doubt they'd be getting personally involved.
    As for the Redlit, you're gonna need to deal with that. You fucked up, you fix it.

    1. There are? My mistake I just knew there are two types of servants.

      I know I fucked up, but what if I only make it worse? As is these people are suffering enough just for living in the wrong town at the wrong time, and I just don't want to make it worse for them. I started this crusade to help people hurt by the Dark
      One and other Fears if I could to and this is the result. As Kyle would put it Nice Job Breaking It Hero. All that said I'll probably do it and I'll probably regret it.

      I see why you drink so much. I might start soon.

    2. Drink later, work now. Things don't get better for other people if you're too busy drinking to help, it only helps you. And if it gets worse? At least you tried. All you can do, really. Fuck GRG
