Saturday, October 5, 2013

Report: A Surprise Meeting

I'm leaving this town.  I've had more time to think while recovering, and I realized I can't wipe out fear influence in a place for long.  All that is left is a void that will be filled by different servants sooner or later.  I'm going back to hunting done the morally worst of the worst proxy that I worked with.  And I'll add Knife to that list too.

Before I left there was one place I wanted to visit first, the church.  For some reason the church gave me a sense of peace.  I stood before the chancel and just relaxed.  It was refreshing.  Then I heard applause from up above.  I turned around and saw a man wearing a blue dress shirt, gray dress pants, and a silver striped tie with abnormal white hair sitting on one of the empty pews on the second floor.

?:  Good show, good show!

W: What show are you talking about?  Who are you?  What are you doing here?

?:  That's a lot of questions, and I'm here to watch your fight with the Macey, duh.

W:  How did you know about that?

?:  I just saw it.

W:  That was almost a week ago.

?:  It was?  Oh, I'm not good at your mortal time; weeks, hours, eons it all blends together for me.
Timey-wimey I think is the word he used.

W:  You still haven't told me who you are.

?:  You haven't figured it out?  I thought it would be obvious myself.  Come on War think hard about it.

W:  You're not Virgil's new friend are you?

S:  There it is.

W:  So why are you here 

S:  Didn't I tell I was watching the fight?

W:  You missed it.

S:  Normally I don't miss on Earth, but the one time I step out into another dimension and now I'm catching up.  Still trying to find that Pseudo.

W:  Okay why are you still here.

S:  Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, time works weird as shit for me.  To me I've only been here a minute or two.

W:  You have only been here a minute or two.

S:  No. no since your fight ended.

W:  Uh... I'm just going to leave now.  

S:  You are such a party pooper.  <Disappeared for a moment then popped up right beside me>  You know you have to be stop sulking so much you bore everybody.  Even the people hunting you.

W:  Why do I care if proxies hunting me are bored?

S:  Because you want to die and you're all emo and shit and you don't really deserve to die.  Yadayadayada.  By the way need to thank you for making Virgil more interesting.  So thank you.

W:  You sicken me.  Thanking me for what happened to Virgil.

S:  Eh, do I care if I sicken you.  All I care about is entertainment.

W:  You bastard.

S:  I never really did know my father.

I started to walk out when Spectator called to me.

S:  By the way did I ever tell you I hate kids.  Especially those really bratty ones that want something but never tell what they want.  Just just a hint to go on.  <Then he appeared outside the church doors>  You know it's rude walking out on someone trying to hold a conversation, right?

W:  And you know it's rude to thank someone for torturing their friend.

S:  Eh, I technically I thanked you for the entertainment.

W:  Because there is such a difference.

S:  Hey what can I say I'm a sadistic bastard.

And then he finally left me alone.   So like I said I'm going to be moving on.  Where?  I don't know honestly.


  1. Replies
    1. You really need a hobby, man. Like table football or something.

  2. So, moving on. Canada sounds good. Significantly lower fear activity than 'Merica, free healthcare, more plausible to sneak vast quantities of pointed bits of metal over that border.

  3. Replies
    1. Yeah, I'm fine. It's been more or less quiet for me for the past month; no Knife, no Dark One, and I haven't seen Virgil's new friend either. There have been a few small proxies, but nothing to bother anyone about. Of course I'm not complaining.

      Thanks for asking. It's surprising how how much that means.

    2. No worries. Us ex-proxies gotta look out for each other, right?

      And it's good to hear things have been quiet on your end. Hate for shit to get hectic all over the shop.
