Saturday, September 7, 2013

Assault: Richard

     Today I got lucky when I learned that this town's local proxy group was planning a massacre of a local runner safehouse.  It's a nice little place that Runners can get shelter in for a few days, have warm meals, and discuss tips to survive being hunted by all the Fears and their servants.  The reason I was so lucky is the Proxies here are all nuts like Virgil nuts. Ok more like if he saw everyone in the world as proxies nuts.  From the information that I gathered if I took out the boss Richard there was a good chance the proxies would fall apart infighting.  No pHIL not all of us them are crazy but the ones that are get the attention.  So it was decided that I would have to kill Richard.

     Getting to Richard wasn't really that difficult all I had to do was dress up in a ratty black hoodie with blood stains while mumbling about knives and boom I'm in their warehouse base.  None of the others noticed a new guy coming in because they get sent here all the time as punishment and this local base loses members fast.  I walked on uninterrupted to Richard's office upstairs and knocked on the door.

R:  Come in.  <I open the door and walk in and he looks up at me.>  Are you the new guy?  Well hope you like insanity because that's the norm he-.  <He stands up and grabs a gun off his desk.>  Oh great you.

      I ran towards him and ducked then rolled under the table dodging his shots minus a minor scrape on the arm.   He started to say something but I grabbed his leg and pulled down to the ground.  I didn't have enough room to use my, so instead I lunged forward with my knife aiming to plunge it into his chest.  Richard rolled to the side and thrust me aside into the table.  The good thing is he forgot to grab the gun and was now weaponless.

R:  Why are you attacking me?  I though you were just going for the less savory member of our organization, and while I can understand going after any of the psychopaths that I unfortunately have to take care of.  I don't rape, mutilate, or steal. 

W:  You were planning to massacre the local safehouse. 

R:  So?  What makes runners so much better than us?  Okay I was planning to kill them, but runners kill us all the time and you aren't killing them.  Anymore I should say.

      I went at him with the knife but he knocked my arm aside then hit my jaw with his fist following up with several jabs all across my upper body.

R:  The only reason you are bothering us is because of your two runner friends isn't it?  You couldn't handle the pressure of serving God and let your guilt get to you!

W:  Shut up!

     I threw my knife towards him and pulled out my sword quickly while he was dodged the knife.  He ran towards me of course after seeing me throw my weapon, but the split second took to move out of the way really helped and I gave him a deep cut across the side as he gave me a second black eye.  I got up to find Richard laying on the ground gripping his side.

R:  I was only serving God I don't deserve this. 

W:  How many people did your orders hurt?

R:  Hundreds.  How many have yours hurt?

It was finished.  I walked out with as much trouble as when I went it.  I'm surprised that the other proxies didn't interfere I mean I knew they didn't like him due to his extreme tactic at keeping them in line, but still I thought one would do something.  Anything.  I'm going to stay in town for another day or two to see if Richard's death helped at all.


  1. To be fair, Richard made some good points. Not really anyone who can take the moral high ground.

    Hell, both sides are fucking monsters, runners and proxies. Neither side deserves to die.

    1. You're not wrong, but this is a war and you have to pick a side. I just picked the one I thought had less monsters.

    2. You have to pick a side? I sometimes wonder...

    3. It's not like the fears will leave us be right? Though if you find a way out please tell me I would really like to know.

    4. Not thhe fears. Servants. Runners. Must be wort htrying.
