I know I don't usually do titles like that, but it's been one hell of a day. It started when I was visiting the Oathbreakers' hospital to check on the results on Hippie, and when I got there is was all normal enough. The Oathbreakers were still preforming their experiments and still not giving me any useful information. Except for one thing, those infected by Hippie's field can be a lot more subtle than any of us thought. It turns out there were actually five doctors that had been "friendified" as one of the Oathbreakers put it. What happened next was the friendified Oathbreakers all attacked the normal ones in order friendify them as well. They all described being friendified as a gift, but naturally the rest of us didn't agree with the idea. Long story short it eventually came down me and Hippie.
H: Warrior I know in your own way you were trying to help me, but you were going about it the wrong way. Now I'm going to help you, friend.
W: Like hell you will.
Then as we were getting ready to fight a guest appeared.
Spectator: Oh hey there you are. Hey War didn't I tell you you had somewhere to go? This *he gestured* is not what I meant.
W: Oh I'm sorry I didn't follow your really vague hint to go somewhere when I have business to attend too.
H: Um, excuse me friend but we were in the middle of something.
S: Not important. Hold on did you call me "Friend?"
H: Of course.
S: Hm,. *looks over Hippie* Oh I see you're of of his. Hey how you doing!? I didn't know you were active too. Tell me is the other guy up too?... Oh I see no answer. Well I'm sorry about this, but I'm in a hurry so.. *appears right behind Hippie and twists his neck* bye-bye. Anyway where were we War?
W: You were complaining that I didn't follow your really vague clues.
S: Well I thought it was obvious, but if you need a hint how is this? *Spectator gave he a push and the next thing I know I'm stumbling in front of someone else's door knee deep in snow.* How's that?
I knocked on the door like I suppose I was supposed to do. A middle aged man opened up the door as surprised to see me as I was to see him.
M: Uh, can I help you?
W: Sorry but I was told that I was suppose to be here and so yeah. Sorry if I'm bothering you.
Girl in the background: Who is it dad? Oh god you're not a proxy are you!? *she yelled once she saw me.*
W: No, not anymore.
GiB: Anymore?
Then came the biggest surprise of all.
V: Fred?
W: Virgil?
Yeah Spectator brought me to see Trish and Virgil who are both staying with her dad it seems. We both filled each other in on what's been going on to us which I will summarize because the full talk would take too long to type. Virgil told me that after he checked on Trish's family he noticed that Trish's dad moved into a friend's house. According to him the friend is visiting family over the next month or two and he asked if he could stay there will house sitting because he and his wife have been fighting. Why have they been fighting? It seems the mother took in a poor little girl that was homeless a month ago and is really overprotective about her. To the point Trish's mother threatened the dad if he tried to spend time with her. Oh and this girl doesn't talk. Virgil and Trish already told the dad about the Unnamed Child and it seems like they are planning on a way to get rid of the child. I guess I'm suppose to help.
Friday, December 20, 2013
Monday, December 9, 2013
Results: Hippie
- Hippie's friend field seems to only be active when he is conscious.
- When he is unconscious he isn't necessarily defenseless as the above would imply. Sometimes the field will randomly spike and generate stronger effect than when Hippie is awake. The Oathbreakers seem to think this has something to do with the nature of his dreams, but they have no way to prove it.
- While they haven't found a reason for the field they did report that Hippie has an unusually high amount of Dopamine in him which they tell me is a natural pleasure/reward thing in the brain. They also tell me that barring schizophrenia he has none of the disorders he should have.
- Lastly it seems that Hippie has a slightly better healing rate than normal though nothing huge. The Oathbreakers tell me you wouldn't even notice if you weren't looking for it.
Friday, December 6, 2013
Short Report
This post will mostly be a quick update on what I did with Hippie. I gave him to a team that would be willing to do some less than ethical things to try and figure out what is up with Hippie. Oathbreakers. Not the smartest move but I didn't know anyone else, they were close by, they don't really have something personal with me, and when I asked if they could could see if it was biological they were thrilled at the possibility of weaponizing it. "Imagine being able to neutralize others just by being in a close vicinity to them. Or using sleepers to make an whole groups willing to just line up to be test subjects," one said to me and other typical evil doctor sayings. Before you ask no I don't trust them but for now they are too useful. They told me they'll have some results tomorrow, so I'll post the details then.
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Report: Hippie
So that hippie tied up downstairs he's a real case alright. For the past few days I've been trying to figure out who the hell he is through various means including some less ethical ones. There are still too many unknown factors, but I did find two things that are interesting to note.
- This guy is constantly thanking me for hurting him. Whenever I start mistreating him in anyway whether it's verbal or physical he thanks me. When I asked him why he said it was because, "You're my friend and I know everything you do is done to help me. As my friend." From what I understand this guy isn't even a masochistic, because he doesn't look like like be likes it, but he just puts up with it.
- The fucker has some sort of field or aura that makes you like him. A Friend Field would probably be fitting title considering he calls everyone a friend. I believe that he has something like this for two reasons. The first is the way I start to develop pity for Hippie, which I should after being a proxy. Even if it was less than a year pity for the victim is the first thing they rid you of. To put this to the test I capture a rapid alley dog and put it in the basement with Hippie. At first the dog was biting into Hippie's arm, but within minutes it was licking his hand and nudging against it. When I removed the dog from Hippie he degraded back to its usual self within minutes.
Friday, November 22, 2013
Report: My New "Friend"
Like I told pHIL I've been doing fine recently it's just been slow. Until earlier today when that one guy showed up again. You know the one who seems to follow me around and that the Cold Boy "doesn't like," well he showed up again and this time it didn't end with him walking away like it did before. Also I have dubbed this man "Hippie" since he refuses to give me his name and I don't want to refer to him as, "my friend" or "the other man."
H: How are you doing friend?
W: You? What are you doing here and how the fuck did you find me?
H: I came to see how you are doing of course.
W: You didn't answer the second question.
H: Oh. Well I just know. You know?
W: No. Go away I don't want any of this weird shit right now. I've had a nice vacation lately and I would to stay on vacation longer.
H: But I don't want to cause you any trouble, I just want to help you.
W: Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Fucking why?
H: You know the reason .
W: Stop with the whole "you're my friend" bullshit. I don't know you and you clearly don't know me.
H: *Paused for a moment and just stared at me* You're hurt and not just physically, but mentally. You are guilt ridden after what you did to everyone you knew and you push others away so that you don't have to worry about hurting someone close to you. But look at you. You are miserable and you hate life without your friends. I'm just trying to help you.
W: Help me?
H: Yes. Won't you let me?
W: ...sure. Why not?
H: Good, a life without friends isn't a real life.
W: Now what?
H: It's simple, now you just be my friend.
I said yes and walked away, but as I got farther something felt off. The more I thought about it the more suspicious it got. I never would have said yes when I don't know anything about that stalker. And that speech I mean I'm sure when you read it you were groan about how cheesy it is. I turned around and yell at him.
W: Hey can I ask you a question?
H: Of course friend.
I ran up to him really quick then punched him, knocking him out.
W: Who the fuck are you?
Now I have a man tied up downstairs in the abandoned building I've been spending the last week in. I'll report on what I find out from him when I do.
H: How are you doing friend?
W: You? What are you doing here and how the fuck did you find me?
H: I came to see how you are doing of course.
W: You didn't answer the second question.
H: Oh. Well I just know. You know?
W: No. Go away I don't want any of this weird shit right now. I've had a nice vacation lately and I would to stay on vacation longer.
H: But I don't want to cause you any trouble, I just want to help you.
W: Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Fucking why?
H: You know the reason .
W: Stop with the whole "you're my friend" bullshit. I don't know you and you clearly don't know me.
H: *Paused for a moment and just stared at me* You're hurt and not just physically, but mentally. You are guilt ridden after what you did to everyone you knew and you push others away so that you don't have to worry about hurting someone close to you. But look at you. You are miserable and you hate life without your friends. I'm just trying to help you.
W: Help me?
H: Yes. Won't you let me?
W: ...sure. Why not?
H: Good, a life without friends isn't a real life.
W: Now what?
H: It's simple, now you just be my friend.
I said yes and walked away, but as I got farther something felt off. The more I thought about it the more suspicious it got. I never would have said yes when I don't know anything about that stalker. And that speech I mean I'm sure when you read it you were groan about how cheesy it is. I turned around and yell at him.
W: Hey can I ask you a question?
H: Of course friend.
I ran up to him really quick then punched him, knocking him out.
W: Who the fuck are you?
Now I have a man tied up downstairs in the abandoned building I've been spending the last week in. I'll report on what I find out from him when I do.
Saturday, October 5, 2013
Report: A Surprise Meeting
I'm leaving this town. I've had more time to think while recovering, and I realized I can't wipe out fear influence in a place for long. All that is left is a void that will be filled by different servants sooner or later. I'm going back to hunting done the morally worst of the worst proxy that I worked with. And I'll add Knife to that list too.
Before I left there was one place I wanted to visit first, the church. For some reason the church gave me a sense of peace. I stood before the chancel and just relaxed. It was refreshing. Then I heard applause from up above. I turned around and saw a man wearing a blue dress shirt, gray dress pants, and a silver striped tie with abnormal white hair sitting on one of the empty pews on the second floor.
?: Good show, good show!
W: What show are you talking about? Who are you? What are you doing here?
?: That's a lot of questions, and I'm here to watch your fight with the Macey, duh.
W: How did you know about that?
?: I just saw it.
W: That was almost a week ago.
?: It was? Oh, I'm not good at your mortal time; weeks, hours, eons it all blends together for me.
Timey-wimey I think is the word he used.
W: You still haven't told me who you are.
?: You haven't figured it out? I thought it would be obvious myself. Come on War think hard about it.
W: You're not Virgil's new friend are you?
S: There it is.
W: So why are you here
S: Didn't I tell I was watching the fight?
W: You missed it.
S: Normally I don't miss on Earth, but the one time I step out into another dimension and now I'm catching up. Still trying to find that Pseudo.
W: Okay why are you still here.
S: Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, time works weird as shit for me. To me I've only been here a minute or two.
W: You have only been here a minute or two.
S: No. no since your fight ended.
W: Uh... I'm just going to leave now.
S: You are such a party pooper. <Disappeared for a moment then popped up right beside me> You know you have to be stop sulking so much you bore everybody. Even the people hunting you.
W: Why do I care if proxies hunting me are bored?
S: Because you want to die and you're all emo and shit and you don't really deserve to die. Yadayadayada. By the way need to thank you for making Virgil more interesting. So thank you.
W: You sicken me. Thanking me for what happened to Virgil.
S: Eh, do I care if I sicken you. All I care about is entertainment.
W: You bastard.
S: I never really did know my father.
I started to walk out when Spectator called to me.
S: By the way did I ever tell you I hate kids. Especially those really bratty ones that want something but never tell what they want. Just just a hint to go on. <Then he appeared outside the church doors> You know it's rude walking out on someone trying to hold a conversation, right?
W: And you know it's rude to thank someone for torturing their friend.
S: Eh, I technically I thanked you for the entertainment.
W: Because there is such a difference.
S: Hey what can I say I'm a sadistic bastard.
And then he finally left me alone. So like I said I'm going to be moving on. Where? I don't know honestly.
Before I left there was one place I wanted to visit first, the church. For some reason the church gave me a sense of peace. I stood before the chancel and just relaxed. It was refreshing. Then I heard applause from up above. I turned around and saw a man wearing a blue dress shirt, gray dress pants, and a silver striped tie with abnormal white hair sitting on one of the empty pews on the second floor.
?: Good show, good show!
W: What show are you talking about? Who are you? What are you doing here?
?: That's a lot of questions, and I'm here to watch your fight with the Macey, duh.
W: How did you know about that?
?: I just saw it.
W: That was almost a week ago.
?: It was? Oh, I'm not good at your mortal time; weeks, hours, eons it all blends together for me.
Timey-wimey I think is the word he used.
W: You still haven't told me who you are.
?: You haven't figured it out? I thought it would be obvious myself. Come on War think hard about it.
W: You're not Virgil's new friend are you?
S: There it is.
W: So why are you here
S: Didn't I tell I was watching the fight?
W: You missed it.
S: Normally I don't miss on Earth, but the one time I step out into another dimension and now I'm catching up. Still trying to find that Pseudo.
W: Okay why are you still here.
S: Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, time works weird as shit for me. To me I've only been here a minute or two.
W: You have only been here a minute or two.
S: No. no since your fight ended.
W: Uh... I'm just going to leave now.
S: You are such a party pooper. <Disappeared for a moment then popped up right beside me> You know you have to be stop sulking so much you bore everybody. Even the people hunting you.
W: Why do I care if proxies hunting me are bored?
S: Because you want to die and you're all emo and shit and you don't really deserve to die. Yadayadayada. By the way need to thank you for making Virgil more interesting. So thank you.
W: You sicken me. Thanking me for what happened to Virgil.
S: Eh, do I care if I sicken you. All I care about is entertainment.
W: You bastard.
S: I never really did know my father.
I started to walk out when Spectator called to me.
S: By the way did I ever tell you I hate kids. Especially those really bratty ones that want something but never tell what they want. Just just a hint to go on. <Then he appeared outside the church doors> You know it's rude walking out on someone trying to hold a conversation, right?
W: And you know it's rude to thank someone for torturing their friend.
S: Eh, I technically I thanked you for the entertainment.
W: Because there is such a difference.
S: Hey what can I say I'm a sadistic bastard.
And then he finally left me alone. So like I said I'm going to be moving on. Where? I don't know honestly.
Sunday, September 29, 2013
Assault: Timberwolf
I just realized I never mentioned his name, Paul. Simple. Aren't Timberwolves suppose to travel in packs/gangs because based on my recon of him Paul seemed like a lone wolf(pun intended). The plan was simple; I go attend church, after church is finished I ask him some questions privately, send him to his god quickly, and then get the hell out of there. His preaching wasn't bad and the other people seemed really into it, but I couldn't help but notice the emphasize put on angels in his speech. When it was over and everyone was getting up to leave I asked Paul if I could ask a few questions privately about the church. He said sure just to wait until he said goodbye to some of the other church goes. I waited until everyone had left and he came over to me.
P: You said you wanted you ask me some question, correct? Oh I'm sorry I never introduced myself. I'm Paul. <reached out his hand>
F: Oh sorry I'm Fred <shook his hand>
P: Nice to meet you. So those questions?
F: It's just that I'm new here and I've been trying to find a church.
P: I'm glad to hear that you've decided to try our little church.
F: Me too.
This is the part where I pulled out my sword, uncovered it, and stabbed Paul with it. Except he caught me and punched me before I could make contact.
P: You're that do-gooder from around town aren't you?
F: I'm just protecting them from you and your freak masters.
P: I'm just trying to get people to recognize the one true god. To embrace the Archangel. <yes he smirked when he said that>
He tackled me knocking me aside, then ran to pull out a mace from his hiding place. He pulled his arm back and brought it down upon me but I rolled off to the side and picked up my sword.
F: You aren't trying to turn them to the true faith just send them to a monster.
I stabbed at him and when he moved to the side I hit him with the hilt staggering him a bit. I went in for the kill when his mace hit me hard in the sides. I was on the ground trying to breath and holding my newly broken ribs.
P: I am easing them into worshiping the Archangel, the afterlife manifested, and you say that is not the true faith. Would you deny this miserable people Bliss? Well guess what I've already recruited new believes so you are too late, hero boy.
F: How many actually reach Bliss you bastard?
P: I can't tell you that but I can tell you this. You won't.
I was about to die. In a few seconds that mace would come done and cave my skull in killing me. Who would I go to in death, the Archangel or the Dark One I wondered. But, I decided I wasn't going to die without killing Paul first. I ignored the pain I was feeling from the mace and the pain I was about to feel and jumped at Paul with all my weight and knocked him against the ground. Despite my dizziness I headbutted Paul bouncing his head off the ground, and picked up his mace. Then I brought it down onto his face. And it was over.
K: Nice job, Warrior.
I turned to see Knife sitting in one of the empty pews.
K: Though I must say murder in a church seems a little sacrilegious even to me.
W: Been a while Knife. <I said between heavy pants.>
K: Last I saw you we set your town free.
W: If you're here to kill me do it already. I don't need the speeches about being a heretic and a traitor. Just kill me I can't defend myself.
K: What? I don't intend to kill you now or anytime in the future. <She got got and walked towards me then bent and told me,> I'm with Runner on this one. I think that you'll realize the error of your ways and will join back up with God again. We chosen have crises of faith often, but what matters is that we come back. I know that deep down you are a true believer and I'm just here so that we can set you back on the right path.
With that she got up and walked out will I screamed at her the entire time. After a while of laying there I struggled to get on my feet feeling like complete shit.
P: You said you wanted you ask me some question, correct? Oh I'm sorry I never introduced myself. I'm Paul. <reached out his hand>
F: Oh sorry I'm Fred <shook his hand>
P: Nice to meet you. So those questions?
F: It's just that I'm new here and I've been trying to find a church.
P: I'm glad to hear that you've decided to try our little church.
F: Me too.
This is the part where I pulled out my sword, uncovered it, and stabbed Paul with it. Except he caught me and punched me before I could make contact.
P: You're that do-gooder from around town aren't you?
F: I'm just protecting them from you and your freak masters.
P: I'm just trying to get people to recognize the one true god. To embrace the Archangel. <yes he smirked when he said that>
He tackled me knocking me aside, then ran to pull out a mace from his hiding place. He pulled his arm back and brought it down upon me but I rolled off to the side and picked up my sword.
F: You aren't trying to turn them to the true faith just send them to a monster.
I stabbed at him and when he moved to the side I hit him with the hilt staggering him a bit. I went in for the kill when his mace hit me hard in the sides. I was on the ground trying to breath and holding my newly broken ribs.
P: I am easing them into worshiping the Archangel, the afterlife manifested, and you say that is not the true faith. Would you deny this miserable people Bliss? Well guess what I've already recruited new believes so you are too late, hero boy.
F: How many actually reach Bliss you bastard?
P: I can't tell you that but I can tell you this. You won't.
I was about to die. In a few seconds that mace would come done and cave my skull in killing me. Who would I go to in death, the Archangel or the Dark One I wondered. But, I decided I wasn't going to die without killing Paul first. I ignored the pain I was feeling from the mace and the pain I was about to feel and jumped at Paul with all my weight and knocked him against the ground. Despite my dizziness I headbutted Paul bouncing his head off the ground, and picked up his mace. Then I brought it down onto his face. And it was over.
K: Nice job, Warrior.
I turned to see Knife sitting in one of the empty pews.
K: Though I must say murder in a church seems a little sacrilegious even to me.
W: Been a while Knife. <I said between heavy pants.>
K: Last I saw you we set your town free.
W: If you're here to kill me do it already. I don't need the speeches about being a heretic and a traitor. Just kill me I can't defend myself.
K: What? I don't intend to kill you now or anytime in the future. <She got got and walked towards me then bent and told me,> I'm with Runner on this one. I think that you'll realize the error of your ways and will join back up with God again. We chosen have
With that she got up and walked out will I screamed at her the entire time. After a while of laying there I struggled to get on my feet feeling like complete shit.
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Report: Recon
When I got back into town I started to do some recon on the Timberwolf as soon as I made it in. Nothing noteworthy about his schedule he does to his church, his home, and a store every now and then, but as I was watching him head into the church today I heard a scream. I rushed to see what it was and when I arrived I saw a young man probably 17-18 yelling at a little boy whose footsteps froze the ground with every damn step he took.
M: G-go away! Leave me be!
CB: Come to the window,
My baby, with me,
M: GO!
CB: And look at the stars
That shine on the sea!
There are two little stars
I ran at the the cold boy with my sword and knocked him on to the ground while leaving a few cracks on him.
W: Run now! It won't last long. <The man ran off as fast as he could.>
CB: No, I just wanted him to be my friend. <he said sounding disappointed>
At this point I hear footsteps behind me and assume that the young man came back for some stupid reason.
W: Didn't I tell you to run?
OtherM: No, I don't believe you did friend.
It was the man from the other day that I bumped into after talking to Runner. What in the world was he doing here.
W: Quick get the hell out of here you don't know what this fucker will do to you.
CB: That's mean. <The Cold Boy turned to face the other man> Will you be my friend?
OM: Of course I will I'm every bodies friend!
Cold Boy: <At first he looked happy but then something changed, he scowled at the man> I don't like you. <he said this with so much hate it surprised me, and then... he was gone>
W: Who are you?
OM: I'm your friend.
And with that he walked away and I was left alone. One question, why do I have a have a bad feeling with this.
M: G-go away! Leave me be!
CB: Come to the window,
My baby, with me,
M: GO!
CB: And look at the stars
That shine on the sea!
There are two little stars
I ran at the the cold boy with my sword and knocked him on to the ground while leaving a few cracks on him.
W: Run now! It won't last long. <The man ran off as fast as he could.>
CB: No, I just wanted him to be my friend. <he said sounding disappointed>
At this point I hear footsteps behind me and assume that the young man came back for some stupid reason.
W: Didn't I tell you to run?
OtherM: No, I don't believe you did friend.
It was the man from the other day that I bumped into after talking to Runner. What in the world was he doing here.
W: Quick get the hell out of here you don't know what this fucker will do to you.
CB: That's mean. <The Cold Boy turned to face the other man> Will you be my friend?
OM: Of course I will I'm every bodies friend!
Cold Boy: <At first he looked happy but then something changed, he scowled at the man> I don't like you. <he said this with so much hate it surprised me, and then... he was gone>
W: Who are you?
OM: I'm your friend.
And with that he walked away and I was left alone. One question, why do I have a have a bad feeling with this.
Saturday, September 21, 2013
Earlier this week I got an email asking me to meet someone a few cities over, and I agreed to leave the town for a bit. So I was standing in an alley behind a store waiting when he arrived.
W: Runner why did you make me come out here to talk to me?
R: I had to meet with someone else and this worked better for all of us.
W: That's what I meant. What if Virgil sees me?
R: I'll be frank, Warrior. You need to stop being feeling so damn guilty all the time. Virgil doesn't blame you and I am sure that he'll be trilled to see you again.
W: That's not the reason you asked me to come here though.
R: <sighs> You've been assigned a proxy.
W: Why now and who is it?
R: The higher-ups figured that you would get yourself killed considering your targets, but as you're not dead they they decided that they would send someone to kill you. To be specific Knife.
W: Fuck my luck. Hey what did you want to talk to Virgil about anyway?
R: Unfortunately the exact same thing
W: Geez. Who'd he get?
R: <Retracted>
W: <Laugh> Wow, they'll get along.
R: That's what I told him.
W: Runner thanks for the info, but if that's all I need to get back to work.
R: No there was one more thing I needed to talk to you about Warrior. <Runner walker up to me and slapped me across the face>
W: The Hell was that for!?
R: Move on already. Kyle and Virgil both forgave you now you need to forgive yourself.
W: Runner you-
R: I know why you really keep fighting and it's not just to make up for your time under the Slender Man. I've read the descriptions of your fight and heard some first hand accounts of how reckless you are in those fights. You are just hoping that you die in a blaze of glory trying to save people. Fortune favors the foolish indeed. You don't need to die.
W: <I just looked at the ground and stayed silent.>
R: I'm sorry. That was uncalled for.
W: No, it was fine Runner. Look I really do appreciate the info, but I need to go.
R: Of course. Good-bye.
W: See ya.
I started to walk away but around the corner I bumped into someone by mistake.
W: Sorry didn't see you there.
?: Don't worry friend that was my mistake. That looked like quite the fight back there.
W: <I was suspicious at this> Oh you saw that?
?: Yeah a little. It looks like that guy really does care about you. Must be a really good friend.
W: Yeah... yeah I guess he is.
?: Well it was great talking to you friend, but I need to go. Have a great day.
And with that he left waving. I have to admit I liked that guy for some reason and his smile didn't hurt either he was so damn happy. I'm headed back to take on Archangel's servants currently and except to be back within two days.
W: Runner why did you make me come out here to talk to me?
R: I had to meet with someone else and this worked better for all of us.
W: That's what I meant. What if Virgil sees me?
R: I'll be frank, Warrior. You need to stop being feeling so damn guilty all the time. Virgil doesn't blame you and I am sure that he'll be trilled to see you again.
W: That's not the reason you asked me to come here though.
R: <sighs> You've been assigned a proxy.
W: Why now and who is it?
R: The higher-ups figured that you would get yourself killed considering your targets, but as you're not dead they they decided that they would send someone to kill you. To be specific Knife.
W: Fuck my luck. Hey what did you want to talk to Virgil about anyway?
R: Unfortunately the exact same thing
W: Geez. Who'd he get?
R: <Retracted>
W: <Laugh> Wow, they'll get along.
R: That's what I told him.
W: Runner thanks for the info, but if that's all I need to get back to work.
R: No there was one more thing I needed to talk to you about Warrior. <Runner walker up to me and slapped me across the face>
W: The Hell was that for!?
R: Move on already. Kyle and Virgil both forgave you now you need to forgive yourself.
W: Runner you-
R: I know why you really keep fighting and it's not just to make up for your time under the Slender Man. I've read the descriptions of your fight and heard some first hand accounts of how reckless you are in those fights. You are just hoping that you die in a blaze of glory trying to save people. Fortune favors the foolish indeed. You don't need to die.
W: <I just looked at the ground and stayed silent.>
R: I'm sorry. That was uncalled for.
W: No, it was fine Runner. Look I really do appreciate the info, but I need to go.
R: Of course. Good-bye.
W: See ya.
I started to walk away but around the corner I bumped into someone by mistake.
W: Sorry didn't see you there.
?: Don't worry friend that was my mistake. That looked like quite the fight back there.
W: <I was suspicious at this> Oh you saw that?
?: Yeah a little. It looks like that guy really does care about you. Must be a really good friend.
W: Yeah... yeah I guess he is.
?: Well it was great talking to you friend, but I need to go. Have a great day.
And with that he left waving. I have to admit I liked that guy for some reason and his smile didn't hurt either he was so damn happy. I'm headed back to take on Archangel's servants currently and except to be back within two days.
Sunday, September 15, 2013
Update on the Town's Situation
Well it looks like the proxy division won't last must longer with the amount of infighting going on. That's really good news. That said the Archangel has gotten quite the following around town thanks to his Timberwolf(as pHIL corrected me), and it doesn't seem like he'll lose them anytime soon thanks to the murders and disappearances happening around the town lately. There is also talk around town is that a "poor, freezing(and creepy) little boy has been showing up around town asking for help" which I'll be honest frightens me that so many people know about him. How many people must have seen him I mean if there is gossip of him.
Like I said last post I'm staying and going to try and decrease the amount of Fear related activity in the town starting with the Timberwolf. I've never dealt with Timberwolves before, so does anybody have any advice before I do something stupider than usual?
Like I said last post I'm staying and going to try and decrease the amount of Fear related activity in the town starting with the Timberwolf. I've never dealt with Timberwolves before, so does anybody have any advice before I do something stupider than usual?
Friday, September 13, 2013
Killed Him
No big summary for this one I'm not really in the mood. The new proxy leader is dead and a few subordinates with him. I'm still alive, but I did take a lot of injuries in that confrontation. That's the story. I'm staying in this town a bit longer that way if I fucked up again I can keep fixing it until it fine.
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Aftermath/It's been a bad day.
I stayed in town an extra few days in order to rest and to see if Richard's death made a difference for those runners. Things went straight to Hell. Did they start fighting over who should be in control like I hoped? Yeah, but some of them realizing they could do whatever they wanted and went on a group mass murdering spree around town. Damnit! I was trying to fucking help people not this! But it gets worse. Apostles or whatever Archangel's servants are called are taking advantage of the infighting and moving in, while they are using the families' sadness to get them to "embrace the Archangel." Plus, I've heard from Runner that on the opposite end of the spectrum the murders are also causing more people to become loners and there are more Cold Boy sighting around town too. Lastly I've noticed that the new top proxy wears a lot of red so I think there could be a redlit in charge! Redlight being in control of anything is bad news so I'm debating offing him too, but after what happened last time is that a good idea? With my luck Kelevra and his worshipers will join in the destruction if I kill him. I'm so fucking confused! and so tired.
And I saw Him. It was only a few seconds but that was enough to bring back little memories. Fuck you Runner wanting them for you moral experiment. Sorry I don't mean that just frustrated and need to get it all out I guess. It was a small memory but it... it was more of a feeling. It was that feeling of salvation I use to have for those I murdered in the Dark One's name. Ugh! It feels so blissful but it is wrong I know it! I know! It has to be. I'm not that murderer. I'm not
And I saw Him. It was only a few seconds but that was enough to bring back little memories. Fuck you Runner wanting them for you moral experiment. Sorry I don't mean that just frustrated and need to get it all out I guess. It was a small memory but it... it was more of a feeling. It was that feeling of salvation I use to have for those I murdered in the Dark One's name. Ugh! It feels so blissful but it is wrong I know it! I know! It has to be. I'm not that murderer. I'm not
Saturday, September 7, 2013
Assault: Richard
Today I got lucky when I learned that this town's local proxy group was planning a massacre of a local runner safehouse. It's a nice little place that Runners can get shelter in for a few days, have warm meals, and discuss tips to survive being hunted by all the Fears and their servants. The reason I was so lucky is the Proxies here are all nuts like Virgil nuts. Ok more like if he saw everyone in the world as proxies nuts. From the information that I gathered if I took out the boss Richard there was a good chance the proxies would fall apart infighting. No pHIL not all of us them are crazy but the ones that are get the attention. So it was decided that I would have to kill Richard.
Getting to Richard wasn't really that difficult all I had to do was dress up in a ratty black hoodie with blood stains while mumbling about knives and boom I'm in their warehouse base. None of the others noticed a new guy coming in because they get sent here all the time as punishment and this local base loses members fast. I walked on uninterrupted to Richard's office upstairs and knocked on the door.
R: Come in. <I open the door and walk in and he looks up at me.> Are you the new guy? Well hope you like insanity because that's the norm he-. <He stands up and grabs a gun off his desk.> Oh great you.
I ran towards him and ducked then rolled under the table dodging his shots minus a minor scrape on the arm. He started to say something but I grabbed his leg and pulled down to the ground. I didn't have enough room to use my, so instead I lunged forward with my knife aiming to plunge it into his chest. Richard rolled to the side and thrust me aside into the table. The good thing is he forgot to grab the gun and was now weaponless.
R: Why are you attacking me? I though you were just going for the less savory member of our organization, and while I can understand going after any of the psychopaths that I unfortunately have to take care of. I don't rape, mutilate, or steal.
W: You were planning to massacre the local safehouse.
R: So? What makes runners so much better than us? Okay I was planning to kill them, but runners kill us all the time and you aren't killing them. Anymore I should say.
I went at him with the knife but he knocked my arm aside then hit my jaw with his fist following up with several jabs all across my upper body.
R: The only reason you are bothering us is because of your two runner friends isn't it? You couldn't handle the pressure of serving God and let your guilt get to you!
W: Shut up!
I threw my knife towards him and pulled out my sword quickly while he was dodged the knife. He ran towards me of course after seeing me throw my weapon, but the split second took to move out of the way really helped and I gave him a deep cut across the side as he gave me a second black eye. I got up to find Richard laying on the ground gripping his side.
R: I was only serving God I don't deserve this.
W: How many people did your orders hurt?
R: Hundreds. How many have yours hurt?
It was finished. I walked out with as much trouble as when I went it. I'm surprised that the other proxies didn't interfere I mean I knew they didn't like him due to his extreme tactic at keeping them in line, but still I thought one would do something. Anything. I'm going to stay in town for another day or two to see if Richard's death helped at all.
Getting to Richard wasn't really that difficult all I had to do was dress up in a ratty black hoodie with blood stains while mumbling about knives and boom I'm in their warehouse base. None of the others noticed a new guy coming in because they get sent here all the time as punishment and this local base loses members fast. I walked on uninterrupted to Richard's office upstairs and knocked on the door.
R: Come in. <I open the door and walk in and he looks up at me.> Are you the new guy? Well hope you like insanity because that's the norm he-. <He stands up and grabs a gun off his desk.> Oh great you.
I ran towards him and ducked then rolled under the table dodging his shots minus a minor scrape on the arm. He started to say something but I grabbed his leg and pulled down to the ground. I didn't have enough room to use my, so instead I lunged forward with my knife aiming to plunge it into his chest. Richard rolled to the side and thrust me aside into the table. The good thing is he forgot to grab the gun and was now weaponless.
R: Why are you attacking me? I though you were just going for the less savory member of our organization, and while I can understand going after any of the psychopaths that I unfortunately have to take care of. I don't rape, mutilate, or steal.
W: You were planning to massacre the local safehouse.
R: So? What makes runners so much better than us? Okay I was planning to kill them, but runners kill us all the time and you aren't killing them. Anymore I should say.
I went at him with the knife but he knocked my arm aside then hit my jaw with his fist following up with several jabs all across my upper body.
R: The only reason you are bothering us is because of your two runner friends isn't it? You couldn't handle the pressure of serving God and let your guilt get to you!
W: Shut up!
I threw my knife towards him and pulled out my sword quickly while he was dodged the knife. He ran towards me of course after seeing me throw my weapon, but the split second took to move out of the way really helped and I gave him a deep cut across the side as he gave me a second black eye. I got up to find Richard laying on the ground gripping his side.
R: I was only serving God I don't deserve this.
W: How many people did your orders hurt?
R: Hundreds. How many have yours hurt?
It was finished. I walked out with as much trouble as when I went it. I'm surprised that the other proxies didn't interfere I mean I knew they didn't like him due to his extreme tactic at keeping them in line, but still I thought one would do something. Anything. I'm going to stay in town for another day or two to see if Richard's death helped at all.
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Update #3
First, I'm sure you're wondering why I haven't posted in a bit. It's simple I forgot that this blog even existed. I would say it's embarrassing after remembering to post 44 days straight with the other blog, but things have changed and I've got much more to worry about now. During the time in between this and the last post I haven't been hunting down any proxies because I don't know any nearby, but I have been busy defending myself from random proxies. They aren't happy with me killing their members and one of their secret weapon, so I've been dealing with them. I'm slowly moving to a new location where I believe I know someone, but it's hard to tell since he constantly moves around.
Sunday, August 11, 2013
Assault: Wraith
This report has been a long time coming, but local proxy groups having been keeping me busy. I'm also forgetful has I'm sure some of you have noticed. Wraith had been hunting me and I knew that on a one on one fight I could never hope to beat him. He wouldn't be alone either of course. I had a plan that went, well it went well enough but could have been better.
I set up a temporary base in an abandoned warehouse. Honest question does every town have one? I knew Wraith would follow me to my new base so I sat there waiting for him and his handlers to arrive. It was late at night when I saw Wraith and two handlers with him which was less than I thought would be there. I sat high up in the window with my sniper rifle aimed at one the handlers before I pulled the trigger. Now I know that before I mentioned that I hate guns because to me the feel wrong maybe even disgusting but I got it because desperate measures, but it turns out I also suck with it because I missed. I proceeded to empty the rest of the clip trying to stop them before they entered but I only killed one and that was luck alone. I rushed downstairs to confront them and killed the other handler when I dropped from a hole in the wooden floor with sword in hand. Wraith was on me before I could steady myself from the fall trying to bite my face off. I slid a small knife out of my sleeve(I use to play WAY too much Assassin's Creed) and jammed it into Wraith's neck. It didn't hurt him too much but it let me kick him off me. Now this warehouse that I was in I stocked with a lot of oil and explosives. Like I said I can't win one on one against Wraith so I planned to blow him up. Long story short I lit a fuse, there were explosions, it work, and now I have police & the local proxies pissed. Explosions suck.
I set up a temporary base in an abandoned warehouse. Honest question does every town have one? I knew Wraith would follow me to my new base so I sat there waiting for him and his handlers to arrive. It was late at night when I saw Wraith and two handlers with him which was less than I thought would be there. I sat high up in the window with my sniper rifle aimed at one the handlers before I pulled the trigger. Now I know that before I mentioned that I hate guns because to me the feel wrong maybe even disgusting but I got it because desperate measures, but it turns out I also suck with it because I missed. I proceeded to empty the rest of the clip trying to stop them before they entered but I only killed one and that was luck alone. I rushed downstairs to confront them and killed the other handler when I dropped from a hole in the wooden floor with sword in hand. Wraith was on me before I could steady myself from the fall trying to bite my face off. I slid a small knife out of my sleeve(I use to play WAY too much Assassin's Creed) and jammed it into Wraith's neck. It didn't hurt him too much but it let me kick him off me. Now this warehouse that I was in I stocked with a lot of oil and explosives. Like I said I can't win one on one against Wraith so I planned to blow him up. Long story short I lit a fuse, there were explosions, it work, and now I have police & the local proxies pissed. Explosions suck.
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
AssAUlt: Me
No I didn't attack myself I was attacked by Wraith and 3 other proxies he brought with him. This happened last Wednesday as I was leaving the hospital. I just realized I never told y'all what Wraith is like, sorry busy. Wraith is Gollum except more of an animal and with pointy steel claws. Wraith was part of a science experiment just like Fredrick but this was to make a weapon that would go on rampages for the proxies, so naturally they based it on the Rake. It worked. Anyway as I was walking down the hallway I spotted Wraith and his team handlers headed down the hallway and they saw me. One of the handlers came towards me with a sword, but Runner left my umbrella sword with me meaning I wasn't defenseless. I blocked his attack and pushed him back when the other two attacked me with knives. I did impale one of the proxies but he did injure my still healing arm and the other gave me a brutal cut across my left side. Wraith just sat back laughing to himself. Lucky for me before the two proxies were grabbed by a pair of security guards that came up from the corner behind me. I pushed aside the guard that grabbed me and made some distance between me and the 2 handlers that still lived. This break didn't last long when Wraith leaped forward then ripped apart the guards in the blink of an eye. But what really save me came next and it was a hell of a surprise.
Doctor: What the hell do you think you proxies are doing in Plague Doctor territory?
Yep saved by Oathbreakers. Still don't believe it myself.
Sword Proxy: Out of the way this is proxy business.
D2: Do you know what this will do to our operation?
D1: We agreed we would heal some of your warriors if you left us alone. I don't call this leaving us alone.
One of the oathbreakers was attacked by Wraith and then doctor 2 injected the proxy using the knife with something that caused him to drop dead after shaking violently. We quickly divided into two groups me vs sword proxies and a dozen or so oathbreakers vs Wraith.
S-P: Traitor I'll kill you!
I brought my sword up to defend than swept down towards his legs. He jumped back then forward with his sword prepared to stab me, but I sidestep the attack just in time. That's when my legs gave way and I found myself on the floor. My injures were still healing and the fight wasn't helping me heal. I grabbed at the handler's legs pulling him down onto the ground. I made a quick move and ended his life. I looked back to Wraith chewing on the arm of an oathkeeper while the others surrounded him. I didn't stay around to see what would happen.
Doctor: What the hell do you think you proxies are doing in Plague Doctor territory?
Yep saved by Oathbreakers. Still don't believe it myself.
Sword Proxy: Out of the way this is proxy business.
D2: Do you know what this will do to our operation?
D1: We agreed we would heal some of your warriors if you left us alone. I don't call this leaving us alone.
One of the oathbreakers was attacked by Wraith and then doctor 2 injected the proxy using the knife with something that caused him to drop dead after shaking violently. We quickly divided into two groups me vs sword proxies and a dozen or so oathbreakers vs Wraith.
S-P: Traitor I'll kill you!
I brought my sword up to defend than swept down towards his legs. He jumped back then forward with his sword prepared to stab me, but I sidestep the attack just in time. That's when my legs gave way and I found myself on the floor. My injures were still healing and the fight wasn't helping me heal. I grabbed at the handler's legs pulling him down onto the ground. I made a quick move and ended his life. I looked back to Wraith chewing on the arm of an oathkeeper while the others surrounded him. I didn't stay around to see what would happen.
Monday, July 29, 2013
Sorry about the silence recently but between being hospitalized and my blog's popularity with certain proxy groups after pHIL's post(which is fine just sooner than I thought it would be) I haven't been able to post as much as I want to. Damn, it's been one year since things went to Hell for me and everyone around me. To answer your question from the report I target the proxies that have become monster and stand no chance of being redeemed. Fredrick was that 12 year old shouting curses to sound "mature" will playing call of duty that everyone put on mute, but the difference is that he gets off on murders or would if he had control of anything more than his mouth. Lover-boy would spend months either stalking targets threatening to and actually raping them then killing/hollowing them, or he would be the single most important thing in the target's eyes only to betray them and add them to his sex slave harem. Disgusting even when I served the Dark One. Isabella Anderson would kidnap children after earning the parents trust from weeks or months off babysitting. Wraith, well you'll see tomorrow.
I'm out of the hospital now but there was an incident and I may as well be back in one. Shit I'm tired and my arm is hurting again. And now I can't find the pain killers. I'll tell the story tomorrow.
I'm out of the hospital now but there was an incident and I may as well be back in one. Shit I'm tired and my arm is hurting again. And now I can't find the pain killers. I'll tell the story tomorrow.
Sunday, July 21, 2013
Runner's Report
Allow me to introduce myself I am Edward Haskett, better known as Runner. I have to apologize for the late report but I had some business, both professional and personal, to deal with first, and I had some difficulty with the password. The reason that I am posting is Warrior is currently being treated for his wounds in a hospital. You see about three days ago Warrior and Wraith engaged in combat that resulted in both being horribly wounded, but Warrior had it much worse. He hasn't woken up yet. Naturally Wraith is healing much quicker and will want revenge. The results will be interesting to say the least.
Oh and to Mr. Mcdonald I am sure that Fred would not mind if you right a report about him. Also good luck with the Proxy situation in England.
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Update #2 Good News, Bad News, and Good News.
Good news is Lover Boy is dead, and I didn't even have to get involved. That man-whore was killed by his latest target.
Bad news is that Runner has informed me that Wraith is back but moving away from my current location so I'll have to follow him.
Good news is there are six less proxies in the world. I was walking along the highway on the way to Wraith's current station when a van slowed down to ask if I needed a ride. I kept walking when one of them jumped out of the van complaining about how they were try to help me or some shit. I flat out asked one of them if they were proxies to which one answered by pulling a gun out on me. I pulled out my sword and long story short is that they were inexperienced newbies that were killed in less than a minute. I took the van until I got to the nearest town then dumped it because I don't need something traceable.
Bad news is that Runner has informed me that Wraith is back but moving away from my current location so I'll have to follow him.
Good news is there are six less proxies in the world. I was walking along the highway on the way to Wraith's current station when a van slowed down to ask if I needed a ride. I kept walking when one of them jumped out of the van complaining about how they were try to help me or some shit. I flat out asked one of them if they were proxies to which one answered by pulling a gun out on me. I pulled out my sword and long story short is that they were inexperienced newbies that were killed in less than a minute. I took the van until I got to the nearest town then dumped it because I don't need something traceable.
Monday, June 24, 2013
Assualt: Fredrick
I'm sorry for the late update, but I was busy. Fredrick arrived back Saturday drunk on his victory which made it easy for me to sneak up on him, but his azoth wasn't tricked as easily. He quickly turned around and kicked me in the gut knocking me onto the ground and causing me to drop my knife. "Hey! The fuck is going on here you dumbass... oh I see. Yo you're that fucking traitor Warrior right? It doesn't matter because I'm bout to slaughter you anyway." With that Fredrick's body jerk forward and slammed me against a stone wall, and started to punch me over and over again. "Come on you little bitch! Are you going fight back you pussy, or let me keep kicking your ass cuz I'll enjoy that." I started to punch him back in gut. The first punch had no effect, but I continued until it gave me enough space to allow me to grab my knife. He started to bring down his arms, but I cut into his arms with my knife causing him to step backwards screaming. "AW! I'm going to skull fuck your head like a cunt while I rip out your intestine. Damnit body do a fucking pelvic thrust now." While he was yelling at his body to follow his stupid commands it started to fight back after the azoth blocked the bleeding from his arms. It attacked me with its fist while I used the knife, which it all but ignored the cuts from. Finally he hit me square in the nose breaking it and I fell on the ground screaming, but not entirely from the punch. It caused some kind of flashback but I can't remember what it was just that it hurt. Is that normal? "Let the skull fucking begin." I'm sure that he would have too, but the azoth had some different idea and started to back away. That was my chance. I recovered from the flashback attack and jumped up and shoved my knife into Fredrick's neck. He screamed in pain but was still move atleast the body was, but Fredrick finally shut up. I pulled out my sword and slit his throat with it. The fight was over.
Related note: Anybody know a good way to dispose of bodies? Before hand there was always a proxy clean crew for that crap, but now I'm on my own. I tried to burn Fredrick but a policeman on patrol noticed the fire and went to investigate only to find a freak in a mask burning a body. Bringing me back to being busy for the past two days.
Related note: Anybody know a good way to dispose of bodies? Before hand there was always a proxy clean crew for that crap, but now I'm on my own. I tried to burn Fredrick but a policeman on patrol noticed the fire and went to investigate only to find a freak in a mask burning a body. Bringing me back to being busy for the past two days.
Monday, June 17, 2013
Target #2: Fredrick
Name: Fredrick (Last name unknown)
Proxy Name: None, but is known as That Creep among most proxies.
Fredrick's back story is an odd case because no one really knew where he came from. One day he just appeared trying to please Slender Man but I never heard why. No one has. What I do know was that he was pathetic and constantly messed up missions. Due to his numerous failures Fredrick was used as a test subject for some experiments involving azoth. I'm not sure of the details but the experiment ended with the azoth taking control of Fredrick's nerves or something like that and now controls his body... except for his mouth unfortunately. The azoth has made him a much better fighter, but unlike some others that have azoth in them his can't heal his body for an unknown reason. Fredrick himself as I said before can still use his mouth to talk and we really wish he couldn't. I'm sure you'll see why when he returns. That's really all about Fredrick.
Proxy Name: None, but is known as That Creep among most proxies.
Fredrick's back story is an odd case because no one really knew where he came from. One day he just appeared trying to please Slender Man but I never heard why. No one has. What I do know was that he was pathetic and constantly messed up missions. Due to his numerous failures Fredrick was used as a test subject for some experiments involving azoth. I'm not sure of the details but the experiment ended with the azoth taking control of Fredrick's nerves or something like that and now controls his body... except for his mouth unfortunately. The azoth has made him a much better fighter, but unlike some others that have azoth in them his can't heal his body for an unknown reason. Fredrick himself as I said before can still use his mouth to talk and we really wish he couldn't. I'm sure you'll see why when he returns. That's really all about Fredrick.
Sunday, June 16, 2013
Update #1 / Meeting: Runner
It's been a while since I've last post and I apologize for that. My leg wound slowed me down as well as the police that were searching for me in the surrounding cities, but I managed to avoid them. I also had a problem with the location of my next targets. I had no idea where the hell they were. Lucky for me I did know someone that would by the name of Runner. Runner is an odd member of the proxy community. He joined us them to study the Slender Man and its motives. As he put it "This thing has the power of deities and I believe that something like that must have some sort of big picture plan that will help us in the end." He refused take the normal hunting people job and is instead a proxy secretary that manages resources, tracks targets, assigns proxies to jobs, and the like.
W: Runner.
R: Warrior is that you? I thought you turned runner.
W: A friend would call me a "proxy hunter."
R: Are you here for me then?
W: I'm here for information.
R: Let me guess locations.
W: *nods*
R: Who are you looking for?
W: Lover-boy, Fredrick, and Jeff's partner.
R: Last I heard Lover-boy was at Washington but he should be moving closer once his mission is done, Fredrick will be returning here within the week, and Wraith has been missing ever since he was tricked into the Path. I'll let you know if something changes.
W: Wait you're willing to help me?
R: Of course. When you were with us you always swore to me that Slender Man was a force of good, but you never did sway me despite how much you tried. Now you are hindering him by killing his agents. Since you obviously think of Slender Man as a force of evil now I'll consider this a test. When you get your memories I'll like to see whose side you're on.
W: What do you mean "when," and how do you even know about that?
R: I read Kyle's blog naturally. You might want to help him by the way Naomi is pissed.
W: I wish I could but he and Source are too far away. I can't go back anyway.
R: They would welcome you back with open arms. As for "when" I've just noticed a patten with this stuff and you either remember or you are dead, and I'd guesstimate a 68% chance of you gaining back your memories first.
W: Thanks.
The conversation ended there. I'll be waiting for Fredrick to return here within the week. Not much else to do. Need to warn Kyle about Naomi coming.
W: Runner.
R: Warrior is that you? I thought you turned runner.
W: A friend would call me a "proxy hunter."
R: Are you here for me then?
W: I'm here for information.
R: Let me guess locations.
W: *nods*
R: Who are you looking for?
W: Lover-boy, Fredrick, and Jeff's partner.
R: Last I heard Lover-boy was at Washington but he should be moving closer once his mission is done, Fredrick will be returning here within the week, and Wraith has been missing ever since he was tricked into the Path. I'll let you know if something changes.
W: Wait you're willing to help me?
R: Of course. When you were with us you always swore to me that Slender Man was a force of good, but you never did sway me despite how much you tried. Now you are hindering him by killing his agents. Since you obviously think of Slender Man as a force of evil now I'll consider this a test. When you get your memories I'll like to see whose side you're on.
W: What do you mean "when," and how do you even know about that?
R: I read Kyle's blog naturally. You might want to help him by the way Naomi is pissed.
W: I wish I could but he and Source are too far away. I can't go back anyway.
R: They would welcome you back with open arms. As for "when" I've just noticed a patten with this stuff and you either remember or you are dead, and I'd guesstimate a 68% chance of you gaining back your memories first.
W: Thanks.
The conversation ended there. I'll be waiting for Fredrick to return here within the week. Not much else to do. Need to warn Kyle about Naomi coming.
Friday, May 31, 2013
Assualt: Isabella Anderson
I know it's taken me a while to update, but Isabella has been doing a good job of making sure I couldn't get close to her. She used her brother's murder as an excuse to get protection from the police. Fucking cops protecting the life of a murderer. I had to cause a distraction in order to draw the police away, and as Virgil always said, and Kyle never failed to agree, "Fire solves everything." Isabella wasn't too far away from the fire and when I arrived at her location to see a police man tell her something then leave in his car. I started to walk towards her holding my umbrella which is really my sword disguised. I was a few feet away from being able to reach her with my sword's blade when she turned around.
"I assume that you're the bastard that killed Theodore. Hold on I know that mask, Warrior? That is what you chose as your new name right?" I answered by unsheathing my sword and she responded by tossing her backpack at me. I knocked it aside to see that Isabella was holding up dual tomahawks. "Why did you betray Father?" She came at me swinging one towards me that I easily blocked with my blade but then brought the second tomahawk around to hit my arm though I maneuvered out of the way still holding the first tomahawk in place.
"Because the Dark One murdered my friends." I kicked Isabella knocking her backwards and came at her holding my hold in front of me to impale her, but this time she knocked my sword away and drove the second tomahawk into my leg. I screamed out. She stepped took a step backwards holding her tomahawks ready.
"You told me that you were happy that Father saved your friends. That they could receive his blessing."
"I was tricked! I was wrong!"
"No you weren't, but now you are." She came towards me swinging both tomahawks, but I put my blade through her and she collapsed. Now that the fight had died down I noticed that we've drew a crowd. Several people had their phones and others were arguing whether they should interfere if not since I had a weapon. I got up and tried to run but my leg wound kept me from doing more than jumping on one foot. Now several people decided to run towards me but I kept them back by delivering several minor wounds. I heard the sirens of police behind me, but I managed to slip into a hiding place. Now that my targets are gone I should move on and get out of town, but that'll be hard with my leg wound. Damn it'll get infected. Oh well I've saved one more from the Dark One.
"I assume that you're the bastard that killed Theodore. Hold on I know that mask, Warrior? That is what you chose as your new name right?" I answered by unsheathing my sword and she responded by tossing her backpack at me. I knocked it aside to see that Isabella was holding up dual tomahawks. "Why did you betray Father?" She came at me swinging one towards me that I easily blocked with my blade but then brought the second tomahawk around to hit my arm though I maneuvered out of the way still holding the first tomahawk in place.
"Because the Dark One murdered my friends." I kicked Isabella knocking her backwards and came at her holding my hold in front of me to impale her, but this time she knocked my sword away and drove the second tomahawk into my leg. I screamed out. She stepped took a step backwards holding her tomahawks ready.
"You told me that you were happy that Father saved your friends. That they could receive his blessing."
"I was tricked! I was wrong!"
"No you weren't, but now you are." She came towards me swinging both tomahawks, but I put my blade through her and she collapsed. Now that the fight had died down I noticed that we've drew a crowd. Several people had their phones and others were arguing whether they should interfere if not since I had a weapon. I got up and tried to run but my leg wound kept me from doing more than jumping on one foot. Now several people decided to run towards me but I kept them back by delivering several minor wounds. I heard the sirens of police behind me, but I managed to slip into a hiding place. Now that my targets are gone I should move on and get out of town, but that'll be hard with my leg wound. Damn it'll get infected. Oh well I've saved one more from the Dark One.
May you find peace freed from the Dark One
Friday, May 24, 2013
Assualt: Theodore Anderson
As I said last night the Andersons are only separated when Isabella has a gig babysitting which was tonight. She left about six and she wouldn't be back until nine, but I waited just to be sure the parents didn't cancel or anything. At 6:30 I decided that it was safe and busted into the Andersons' current house base of operations. I think that Theodore was about to yell at me, but he didn't really have the chance to when I came at him with my sword. The surprise really helped, but he managed to move just in time to avoid a fatal stab instead receiving a deep gash across the arm.
"Fucker! I will cut you into pieces and then I'll piss on them!" My only response was another cut across the arm. The kid wasn't focusing which would make this an easy fight for me. "Hold on I remember you. You're that guy that was talking to my sister about Father." He picked up a knife that he had hidden under a couch pillow and ran at me but I held up my sword holding the attack back. He spit in my face to distract me long enough to give me a cut across the cheek. It wasn't deep but it did sting like hell, but I paid him back sliding my blade across his arm. "Fucking traitor I will butcher you for betraying Father!" He came at me swinging his knife wildly. I dodged all of his attacks with ease. This kid was so fulled with anger and bloodlust but without his sister he couldn't control himself and didn't even notice all the blood lost from swinging his arm around like that.Puberty must really suck for Theodore. Finally Theodore started to slow down, he started to breath much harder, he looked dazed, and he was mumbling that he was feeling cold. I stabbed him. Theodore was done.
My I have Isabella to worry about.
"Fucker! I will cut you into pieces and then I'll piss on them!" My only response was another cut across the arm. The kid wasn't focusing which would make this an easy fight for me. "Hold on I remember you. You're that guy that was talking to my sister about Father." He picked up a knife that he had hidden under a couch pillow and ran at me but I held up my sword holding the attack back. He spit in my face to distract me long enough to give me a cut across the cheek. It wasn't deep but it did sting like hell, but I paid him back sliding my blade across his arm. "Fucking traitor I will butcher you for betraying Father!" He came at me swinging his knife wildly. I dodged all of his attacks with ease. This kid was so fulled with anger and bloodlust but without his sister he couldn't control himself and didn't even notice all the blood lost from swinging his arm around like that.
My I have Isabella to worry about.
May you find peace freed from the Dark One
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Target #1: The Anderson Siblings
Name: Isabella Anderson
Proxy Name: N/A
Name: Theodore Anderson
Proxy Name: N/A
History: Isabella claims that she has seen the Dark One or as she calls him Father since birth. When I met her at a proxy rest stop in Washington we were talking about our love of the Dark One, as a father for her and as a god to me. She told me how she always identified him as her father ever since she could remember. Then when she was three her little brother was born too. Isabella instantly showed her brother to Slender Man and introduced Slender Man to Theodore as Father. Their parents thought that it was cute if not weird that she introduced her imaginary friend that way. One year later she murdered them. She got hold of her dad's guns and shot them because, "They weren't my parents they were merely imposters." She has been in the service of the Dark One since then with her brother.
She is 18 now and her brother is 15. Isabella has for the past four years has been kidnapping children so that she can give them to "Father." She does this by moving into new house , proxy houses, and getting babysitting job with families after earning their trust. Quite brutal when you think about it. Theodore serves as his sister's muscle is families or police find them. Theodore is violent VERY violent craving blood and skin that he can carve with his various sharp instruments. In short a sick bastard. That said while she doesn't like to fight Isabella can fight.
Together they would be too difficult to kill, but alone it would be much easier. The tough part is to get them alone as they are almost always together except when Isabella is babysitting because Theodore and small children is a bad idea, and from my recon I know that she has a job tomorrow night, it is Friday. Tomorrow I'm going after the muscle. Tomorrow I kill Theodore.
Proxy Name: N/A
Name: Theodore Anderson
Proxy Name: N/A
History: Isabella claims that she has seen the Dark One or as she calls him Father since birth. When I met her at a proxy rest stop in Washington we were talking about our love of the Dark One, as a father for her and as a god to me. She told me how she always identified him as her father ever since she could remember. Then when she was three her little brother was born too. Isabella instantly showed her brother to Slender Man and introduced Slender Man to Theodore as Father. Their parents thought that it was cute if not weird that she introduced her imaginary friend that way. One year later she murdered them. She got hold of her dad's guns and shot them because, "They weren't my parents they were merely imposters." She has been in the service of the Dark One since then with her brother.
She is 18 now and her brother is 15. Isabella has for the past four years has been kidnapping children so that she can give them to "Father." She does this by moving into new house , proxy houses, and getting babysitting job with families after earning their trust. Quite brutal when you think about it. Theodore serves as his sister's muscle is families or police find them. Theodore is violent VERY violent craving blood and skin that he can carve with his various sharp instruments. In short a sick bastard. That said while she doesn't like to fight Isabella can fight.
Together they would be too difficult to kill, but alone it would be much easier. The tough part is to get them alone as they are almost always together except when Isabella is babysitting because Theodore and small children is a bad idea, and from my recon I know that she has a job tomorrow night,
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
The Warrior
Name: Fred
Chosen Proxy Name: The Warrior
Mission: To attain redemption.
Chances are that if you’ve found this blog then you already know about me. For those that don’t know me as I’m sure you’ve picked up from a few lines ago I served the Dark One as a proxy. Worshipped would be a better word. He stalked me and my brother for two months and I couldn’t handle it. I snapped and ended up in a mental hospital until the Master showed up and changed everything. From that moment on Slender Man was my god. What made me worship this monster? Honestly I forget thanks to a friend, and because I forget I’m free from its servitude. Unfortunately I’m not free from my guilt.
Being frank I’m sure I sound emo and I am emo right now.At least how most people say it minus the cutting, or is that goth. Sorry I’m bad with words. Getting off track. What I think I’m trying to say is that I’ve done terrible things that haunt me, but its time for me to fix that. As I am the Warrior I figure that most appropriate way to make up for my sins is to kill other proxies, so that they don’t hurt anymore runners.
So if I plan to hunt down proxies why the fuck am I posting this online where they will read it and probably kill me? Good question you could say that I have an urge to post it like many others who have encountered the Slender Man. Anyway I apologize for my rambles. I’ll post my first target tomorrow.
Mission: To attain redemption.
Chances are that if you’ve found this blog then you already know about me. For those that don’t know me as I’m sure you’ve picked up from a few lines ago I served the Dark One as a proxy. Worshipped would be a better word. He stalked me and my brother for two months and I couldn’t handle it. I snapped and ended up in a mental hospital until the Master showed up and changed everything. From that moment on Slender Man was my god. What made me worship this monster? Honestly I forget thanks to a friend, and because I forget I’m free from its servitude. Unfortunately I’m not free from my guilt.
Being frank I’m sure I sound emo and I am emo right now.
So if I plan to hunt down proxies why the fuck am I posting this online where they will read it and probably kill me? Good question you could say that I have an urge to post it like many others who have encountered the Slender Man. Anyway I apologize for my rambles. I’ll post my first target tomorrow.
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