Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Update #3

First, I'm sure you're wondering why I haven't posted in a bit.  It's simple I forgot that this blog even existed.  I would say it's embarrassing after remembering to post 44 days straight with the other blog, but things have changed and I've got much more to worry about now.  During the time in between this and the last post I haven't been hunting down any proxies because I don't know any nearby, but I have been busy defending myself from random proxies.  They aren't happy with me killing their members and one of their secret weapon, so I've been dealing with them.  I'm slowly moving to a new location where I believe I know someone, but it's hard to tell since he constantly moves around.


  1. So, wait, you're telling me that you killed a bunch of proxies, and now their mates are pissed off? Who could've seen that one coming, no wonder you weren't prepared for something that odd to happen.

    1. I'm not surprised that they are hunting me down. I was surprised with the number coming at me, though I think most of the ones coming after me are the new guys trying to make a name by killing so small fish that got lucky.

    2. I would've expected more older proxies (for lack of a better word) to be after you. I mean, when my people die fighting KProxies or Redlit we take that base down hard. With an individual such as yourself it'd be largely the same. Then again, the procieson your side of the pond do seem somewhat sociopathic.
