I know it's late, there is a good reason which Virgil said he'll get to, but I thought I should put up what happened to me when I was separated from Virgil and Trish on the Solstice. So like Virgil stated the three of us were running through the backyards in order to get away from Stagnation, but then he just appeared in front of us and I had to turn quickly in order to avoid hitting Stagnation. I had to jump the fence to the right of me and then kept running until I reached the main part of town. I realized that I hadn't seen Stagnation following me and paused to take a breather and to think clearly. I remembered that we once mentioned if we should get separated for one reason or another we would meet up towards the middle of the city. I looked around to get a sense of where I was and which way to the center, and when I was finally sure of the way I started to run down the sidewalk. Suddenly I was tackled by some random fucker into an alleyway.
W: The hell was that for, jerk!
I looked up at the gut that had tackled me and though I never seen the guy guy before there was something that I did recognize his smile and that look in his eyes. It was the same look and smile that Hippie always had.
W: No, no! You're dead I saw Spectator kill you!
H2: I'm not the person you knew before, but he was a great friend of mine as are you.
W: Don't give me that crap.
H2: It's true.
W: Look I have some real friends I need to check up on, so if you don't mind just go the fuck off.
H2: Sorry, but I have someone that I want you to meet. My best friend.
Then it happened, he started to glow are the air around him started to stir around fiercely and light gathered above him in the shape of a spiral. Then this light started to grow and surround him engulfing him. Then the light took on new shapes, the shapes of people. Then there were more and more until it looked like there was a giant person formed from the souls of many people. This person was neither male or female and constantly shifted color from every shade of the rainbow. Then two more grew out of the first and they formed a trio with each holding anothers' hand in a triangle.
W: What... what are you?
F: I am Fellowship, the advent of bonds and the ultimate result of of the connection between the hearts of mankind.
W: What do you want with me?
F: For you to join the fellowship and receive the bliss that you are rejecting.
I didn't know what to say but I did know that staying would be a terrible idea so I ran. And that is where Virgil's post covers the rest of it. I must say I was shocked to see the condition that Kyle was in.
Lastly, Trish I'm now that you're probably really angry with me over what I did, but it had to be done you know that. I am sorry it did turn out that way.